lounguge's continuous blog

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March 4th, 2024;Morning

It has been a little while. I am not really sure what to write. A lot has been happening lately and I have been distracted with everything so I just pushed this site to the back burner for a while. I think I'll get back to working on it soon.

I want to write about the sun today. Or maybe not the sun itself, but my newfound/renewed appreciation for it. I have had a big issue lately which makes me unable to leave the house. This has changed my perspective a lot as I feel like I've been taking sunlight for granted for a long time. Getting so used to something that you don't notice how much you need it until it's gone. I have had to starting taking vitamin D supplements, and I'm constantly moody. Now when I do get the chance to go outside and feel the sun on my skin, it feels a lot more like a privilege or getting a dessert after dinner. It's more cherished, and reminds me of going to church. Something I haven't done since I was 6. Weird. Seeing other people is something I've taken for granted as well. On certain days, I could get the chance to sit in my backyard and feel the sunshine for a bit, but I still wouldn't have anyone to talk to. I used to be a very socially anxious person, and I still am, just a little bit, but I would rather take the stress of a social interaction over complete deprivation. It's possible I'm being sort of dramatic about my situation but I have a lot of restrictions set upon me so I can't even help myself. Even if this may not sound so bad, it does feel that way. So i guess this is me trying to ask that if anyone reads this they try to appreciate the nature around them, and the people they meet. I know that sounds corny lol

November 14th, 2023;Morning

Testing to see if my code works properly lol. I want to work on my homepage but don't at the same time. Whenever I think about it I remember that I'm not a very creative person. I have no clue what the style should be. The other day at around 1 am I woke up and decided I needed fresh air. When I opened my backdoor a white bunny hopped away, out of the yard and into the woods.

November 13th, 2023;Evening

So this is supposed to be my first blog post. I'll basically be treating this like an online diary. Somehow this feels more private than writing in a journal. Yet, I'm kind of weirded out by the fact that other people on the internet can see this and read it. I started this site like amonth ago since I was bored and had extremely bare minimum knowledge of html. Then I saw views on my neocities page, freaked out, and refused to do any more coding for a while. I've always been so private on the internet and never really have interacted with others that I didn't know irl. Though, I'm really excited to have somewhere to rant. Writing long tangents with a pen on paper hurts my wrist after a bit.

November 13th, 2023            November 14th, 2023            March 4th, 2024